
if: paisley

It feels so good to finally paint something!
I've been in 3 countries in the last month,
but now I finally have a home and a desk to paint and write this summer:

Behind this wonderful tree there's a high school which is (thankfully) on vacation right now. In another wall I've set an inspiration board. I was inspired by Geninne, who seems to move even more than me, but somehow manages to unpack at ultrasonic speed and quickly set herself an amazing working space. For that and for her beautiful work, I really admire her a lot.

My new desk is in Madison, WI.  Peaceful little town except for the tornado alarm the other day, that scared the hell out of me. 

There was this eerie noise all of a sudden and my windows started trembling (since, as I now know,  the speakers for the alarm for the entire county are placed on the roof of the aforementioned high school!!) I panicked a bit, but then I remembered Dorothy and before any cow came flying by my window I ran barefoot to the basement... It was fun.

7 comentarios:

Geninne dijo...

Qué haces en Wisconsin Laia??! :P
Alguna vez me tocó un tornado alert en el norte de Texas y vaya qué susto!!!
Qué buen lugar para tu escritorio! se nota que te inspiró la preciosa vista. Me encantó el paisley. Repetido en un patrón e impreso en tela estaría genial!

Laia Jufresa dijo...

Gracias Geninne! Voy a probar con photoshop a ver si logro hacerlo patrón!!

Gai dijo...

very nice. hope you post some more very soon.

t/ dijo...

bueno, como no supe que onda, te envié la postal a casa de tutía

: P

Amy Farrier dijo...

What a wonderful workspace and view! And your watercolor paisley is lovely.

ArtSparker dijo...

I like your paisley.

Fine Little Day dijo...

I like that paisley of yours.

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog :)