Mexico City sits on a valley and depends on another state for its water supply. Hundreds of thousands of its (20 million) inhabitants suffer from the lack of water. A sad irony, for a city originally built literally on water and that continues to flood every single summer. I don't live there anymore. Still, the too-often-ignored anguish of it came to my mind with the the IF word for this week.
And in honor of their well spent lives, here are T's grandparents and mine, in our Dia de los Muertos altar:
The table you see is the new life of the well my parents built in 1990 when we moved from dry Mexico City to crazy-humid Xalapa. (Having to pull the water from a well makes you care about water, maybe that's really where my drawing comes from!)
10 comentarios:
I like the ethnic style of your illustration, nice work! :)
very cool illo
It's quite impossible to imagine not having enough water; we are spoiled around here. Used to having everything. The altar is very beautiful; do you keep it there all the time? Have a lovely November
ah q chido q están en xalapa
te llegó el pquete que te envié con tu tía?
viene una foto que tú sacaste en tj
: )
Beautiful designs
Hola Laia,
El altar es muy bonito, es precioso! Nos encantó estar en la Pitaya, es un lugar espectacular y del que tenemos muy buenos recuerdos. Es una verdadera lástima que no nos pudiéramos conocer.
Un abrazo. Anna, Roeland y Laia
Very nice, and full of feeling.
Ben oui, quoi, que peux-je dire de tes dessins que personne ne l'aie encore dit?... T'sais bien que ce commentaire est plutôt pour te remercier pour ton travail et t'encourager à continuer... Pas de blackmail, y'know!
Tu sais ce que je pense de tes écrits et tes tableaux; je seulement éspère que tu aies encore le "Miles Davis" que je t'ai donné il y a cinq ans.
Bon courage!
Lucien Larose
thank you people!!
roeland, laia, anna: también me hubiera encontado conocerlos, tengo su postal en el refri!
lucien: je sais, t´inquiete (par contre pour le miles davis: ni idea! cuáles?!)
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