This is daily reality for me: the before and after of my Morning Pages ritual.
I kid you not.
Morning Pages are 3 pages you write first thing in the morning. They can be about anything, anything at all, but they usually end up freeing you from stuff that you would otherwise carry around all day! I've been doing them for two years. It is my diary, yes, but it is so much more than that.
The truth of my mood is very simple: if I do not write I rot. Simple, huh? Yeah but easy to forget too, whenever I "forget" to do my Morning Pages... I think is because the daily act of putting pen to paper before doing anything else reminds me of my personal truths, of who I am and what I want, and allows me to "leave the drama in the page", as Julia Cameron puts it. I now think I could have saved myself entire years of therapy if I'd known about Morning Pages before!
I like to think of my monsters (and dramas and fears and anguishes) as dangerous baobabs who'll eat up my pretty planet; and of Morning Pages as the daily act of plucking them:
"It is a question of discipline," the little prince said to me later on. "When you've finished your own toilet in the morning, then it is time to attend to the toilet of your planet, just so, with the greatest care. You must see to it that you pull up regularly all the baobabs, at the very first moment when they can be distinguished from the rosebushes which they resemble so closely in their earliest youth. It is very tedious work," the little prince added, "but very easy."
14 comentarios:
Sure, it woud be nice practice to hear your(my)self!
I love yours as well :) How true... how wonderful... what appears on these morning pages!
Fantastic (your diary llustration and your explanations). I think I'm going to try to do the "morning pages". I did something like that in the past (but no drawings, only writings: ideas, dreams, others...) and I stopped. You're awaking something in my mind. Thanks a lot.
And thanks for visiting my blog.
That's great! I might just try that.
I am new on IF, and will visit some selected blogs to get to know some of you.
Your post is charming and I to enjoy your work!
thank you nakomie, karen and adam!
marie, my morning pages are written too, these ones here are drawn for IF, but I don't ever draw them. Maybe I should, so what it comes to is that you have given me the idea you thought I had given you! haha :)
welcome vilt og! you'll fall in love with IF, it happens
This is so beautiful! I love how you deal with all the "mind clutter" to make room for the important stuff, like creating! :o)
nice critters and colors!
wow..fantastic work.. what a wonderful idea.. I might give it a go!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...my little girl did have a great day!
Enjoyed the peek into your morning pages and also your thoughts and experiences with it.
Maybe one day you will share your new drawn morning pages with us, or some of them? I'm happy the idea came back to you. :)
Fantastic illustrations! I love your style. I did Morning Pages for a long time but have lapsed. Your post reminds me that it would be good to get back into it. I also love the idea of drawing your morning pages.
What a spread :)!
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