
if : snow


 Since I spent a winter in Wisconsin, I have dreams of snow wherever I am... And the very first time I did Illustration Friday, there was also some snow

Desde que viví en Wisconsin, sueño con nieve sin importar el clima... Y, la primera vez que participé en esto, también había algo de nieve





if: ferocious


and in other fascinating news: the dead sea scrolls online



get your paint on, week 3

week 3, objects-colors, laia

week 3, laia

Week 3 was about color and color mixing. The assignment was to reproduce the colors of 4 objects and use them in a painting. It was also about pushing your boundaries, doing stuff you've never tried, so I used flat colors (and discovered they are hard to achieve!) and made a point of using objects as my subject matter, which I never do, but oh well, the objects decided to reunite in a character, what can I do...


if: sweater


I've been making so many layers for my other painting, that I found myself craving for a super simple watercolor...

get your paint on, week 2

Second assignment was to get inspired by an element of a painting I chose this Jesse Reno painting (or should I say paintings?) and here's what I did:

week 2, laia

get your paint on, week 1

Get your paint on is an e-course I'm taking. It is taught by Lisa Congdon and Mati Mcdonough. The first week assignment was to create a painting inspired by the amazing quilters of Gees Bend. Here's what I did:

week 1, Laia